Contact Us.

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts about our company. Send us a message and we shall promptly answer your request.

    Work with Us

    We are a very energetic and talented team. We are a group of people all over the world, and therefore, a multicultural group. Yet, we are all under the same vision and the same culture: science, technique and knowledge for conceiving, planning and building infrastructures intended to generate, distribute and store energy and its advantages, outcomes, and benefits.

      Please attach your resume with a recent photograph to your application, otherwise it will NOT be considered for a possible interview


      You are welcome to upload or update your company profile. In inelectra we rely on you for creating new business opportunities.



        Contact details

        + 52 55 52116233 + 52 55 52863892

        BritCham Business México

        Andrés Bello 10, P-10. Colonia Polanco Chapultepec.
        Ciudad de México. 11560

        +58 (0212) 981.55.55

        Avenida Circunvalación del Sol,
        Edificio Inelectra, Santa Paula,
        Caracas 1061-A, Venezuela.
        Apartado Postal 65641.