
Our Clients

Petróleo y Gas

Oil and Gas

We have 53 years of experience in design, procurement and construction works for oil and gas production, refining, terminals and storage facilities.

Within the last 10 years, we have designed and built facilities for more than 3MM oil barrels per day worldwide and storage terminals for more than 20 MM barrels of capacity.

Engineering for Fuel Terminal

Engineering for Fuel Terminal (Tuxpan, México)

Debottlenecking Petromonagas

Petromonagas Upgrader Debottlenecking

Talara Refinery WSA & ASC Units

Talara Refinery WSA & ASC Units Talara Perú

Adecuación de la Estación Principal, Petrocedeño

Petrocedeño Main Station Revamping

Desembotellamiento del Mejorador Petromonagas

Petromonagas Upgrader Debottlenecking

Ingeniería de Detalle Unidades WSA y ASC, Refinería Talara

Detailed Engineering Talara Refinery WSA & ASC Units (Talara, Perú)



We have performed engineering and construction projects for methanol, ethanol, polyethylene, polypropylene and propane-propylene facilities, among others.

Rehabilitación de la Planta de Amoníaco, Cosoleacaque

Ammonia Plant Renovation

Methanol Plant Extension

Methanol Plant Expansion

 Expansión de Terminal de Químicos Altamira

Altamira Chemical Terminal Expansion Manzanillo, México

Rehabilitación de la Planta de Amoníaco, Cosoleacaque

Ammonia Plant Renovation

Rehabilitación de la Planta de Amoníaco, Cosoleacaque

Methanol Plant Expansion

Rehabilitación de la Planta de Amoníaco, Cosoleacaque

Propilven Plant Capacity Increase

Generación de Potencia

Power Generation

At inelectra we have shown excellence in performing Engineering, Procurement, and Construction activities for power generation plants. Our commitment to safe work and reliable facilities is a success guarantee for our client.

Manzanillo Power Land

Manzanillo Power Land

Thermoelectric Plant San Martín

Altamira Power Cogeneration Plant

Combined Cycle Termozulia III

San Martin Thermoelectric Plant

Planta de Cogeneración de Electricidad

Altamira Power Cogeneration Plant

Termoeléctrica San Martín

San Martin Thermoelectric Plant

Ciclo Combinado Termozulia III

Termozulia III Combined Cycle

Infraestructura e Industria

Infrastructure and Industry

We have extensive experience in major projects related to mass transport systems, industrial processes and services, as well as to the environment and urbanism.

Cargill Agribrands Plataforms

Cargill agribrands platforms México

Plant Paveca GB Chempro

Paveca GB Chempro

Sugar Mill Revamping

Sugar Mill Revamping

Líneas 1, 2 y 3 del Metro de Caracas

Líneas 1, 2 y 3 del Metro de Caracas

Arquitectura e Ingeniería nueva sede CAF, Caracas

Arquitectura e Ingeniería nueva sede CAF, Caracas

Modernización Central Azucarera


Central Azucarera


Renewable Energy

We work with international allies for the development of renewable energy projects such as photovoltaic and biomass, given the global energy transition


Photovoltaic Renewable Energy Embassy of France Caracas